About the Project

Empowerment of Youth Women Labour Through Non-Formal Learning!

This project is designed with a holistic and innovative approach to open a new way at transnational level to tackle youth problems by focusing on capacity building of the young workers, esp. young women employees.

This project has enabled to produce 4 pcs outputs for the benefit of youth and young workers through non-formal learning techniques by focusing on empowering the youth labour within a holistic innovative approach and sustainable framework:

  • Industrial Relations Literacy Paper,
  • Trade Union Literacy Guide,
  • Mobile Application for iOS and Android platforms, and
  • A public service announcement (PSA) under the title of “From Now Onward”.

Project Summary

Title: Empowerment of Youth Women Labour Through Non-Formal Learning

Ref.:   2019-3-TR01-KA205-079605

Duration: 23 months (1 February 2020 – 31 December 2021)

Grant Budget: 123.523,00 Euro

Location: Albania, Bulgaria, France and Turkey.

Coordinator : HAK-IS Trade Union Confederation, Turkey  


  • Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University (AYBU), Turkey,

  • Centre for Labour Rights (CLR.AL), Albania

  • The Federation of the Transport Trade Unions of Bulgaria (FTTUB), Bulgaria, 

  • COJEP International (COJEP), France.

Target group of the action covers young workers in the age range of 17-30 years. 60% of the target group are women workers and the rest (40%) are men workers. This contingency rate is fixed to maintain the balance between working and social lives.


 Establishment of the Action Management Team

  • Kick-Off Meeting (1st Transnational Seminar)

  • Transnational seminars (4 pcs)

  • Fact Finding Workshops

  • The Youth Interaction Platform meetings

  • Audit and Reporting

  • Preparation and Printing of the Action Outputs (Industrial Relations Literacy Paper, Trade Union Literacy Guide, Mobile application)

  • Making a public service announcement (PSA) under the title of “From Now Onward”

  • Transnational Non-Formal Learning Activity: Capacity Empowerment of the Target Group and Increasing Quality of the Action Outputs

  • Broadcasting of the “From Now Onward” PSA on internet and TV channels

  • Final Conference and Conclusion Event

  • Introduction, Visibility and Dissemination Activities.


This project is being implemented by 5 partner organizations from 4 different countries – Albania, Bulgaria, France and Turkey.


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