E.2.Intellectual Outpus

This project is designed with a holistic and innovative approach to open a new way at transnational level to tackle (un)employment and employability problems of young female
workers by focusing on their empowerment through non-formal learning initiatives and 3 pcs intellectual outputs (IO), plus a public service announcement in a short-film format.
Objective of this project is also expressed to build up target group’s individual capacities alongside to raise their awareness about industrial relations, influential communication
techniques, negotiation skills, active citizenship, environment conscious, organised society and trade unions through various non-formal learning activities.

The coordinator and the co-partners have worked together via exchange knowledge and experience by holding 4 pcs transnational seminars/meetings in Ankara, Tirana, Strasbourg and in Sofia in order to reveal innovative strategies, policies and products for the benefit of the youth women labour.

This project has enabled HAK-IS, AYBU, CLR, FTTUB and COJEP to effectively work together for common purposes by providing technical tools and financial facilities within a project cycle management (PCM) approach. We think that a major overhaul of youth and their priorities are necessary to make sure that the European Union member states and candidate countries could address the challenges of the 21st century and not fall behind in a more competitive world that is more and more dominated by the Industry 4.0 and the Society 5.0 revolutions.

It is assessed that the project has begun to contribute to the achievement of the most relevant priorities where are indicated in the description section. It is found out that all original objectives of the project have already been met. The below-mentioned intellectual outputs in a policy paper format, mobil application in an e-library structure, the psa in a short-film format plus the related visibility and introduction activities have been conducted in Turkey, Albania, Bulgaria and in France despite the Covid-19 pandemic and its bans and restrictions among countries and communities.

– First Intellectual Output (IO): The Industrial Relations Literacy Paper: Achievement of Competency and Dominance in the Industrial Relations System
– Second Intellectual Output :: the Trade Union Literacy Guide: Development of the Trade Union Awareness and Trade Union Culture.
– 3rd Intellectual Output : e-library: the Mobile Application for Android and iOS platforms under the title of New Young Generation, its website:, https://newyounggeneration.org/
– Plus, a public service announcement (psa) under the title of «From Now Onward» to raise awareness of the society about the youth and their troubles and priorities.

Owing to the project, those outputs and outcomes will keep on contribution to the achievement of the most relevant priorities in a sustainable manner after the project lifespan. In other words, all original overall and specific objectives of the project have been met in close cooperation and coordination among the coordinator and its partners.

– First IO: The Industrial Relations Literacy Paper: Achievement of Competency and Dominance in the Industrial Relations System.

– Second IO: the Trade Union Literacy Guide: Development of the Trade Union Awareness and Trade Union Culture 

– Third IO: e-library: the Mobile Application for Android and iOS platforms, New Young Generation: Everyone may find this mobile application by making a search with the key words new young generation through Google Play (android) and Apple Store (iOS) platforms

Web site: https://newyounggeneration.org/
To download for Google Play (Android) Devices: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.newyounggeneration.app
To download for Apple Store (iOS) Devices: https://apps.apple.com/tt/app/new-young-generation/id1555857369

– Plus, a public service announcement (psa) under the title of «From Now Onward» aimed to raise awareness of the society about the youth and their troubles and priorities.  In other words, this media product, under the title of “From Now Onward” has been produced during the project. HAK-IS has coordinated, managed, blended and conclude all stages for the preparation and broadcasting of the said public services ad (PSA) in a short-film movie format in order to raise awareness of the public about the youth and young workers.

HAK-IS has also followed up, managed and coordinated broadcasting works of the said public services ad (PSA). https://newyounggeneration.org/ka205-079605-psa/